Hello friends! It's me, Benny, here to tell you that mom bought a new futon for us! Well, it isn't exactly for us, but she hasn't made a fuss about any of us sneaking onto it.
Her old bed was much too high for us, the Corgis, to jump onto. We'd have to wine and wine until someone woke up and put us on the bed. Jake, on the other hand, could make it atop the bed in a single bound. Mom and dad are accessible all hours of the night now! I just have to lick mom in the face until she wakes up!
Also, mom and dad bought us a new expensive toy and we thanked them by ripping it apart after just five minutes! I was trying to show mom how rough and tough I am. I don't think she was very excited about us destroying the toy because when she found out, she took it away!
Your friend,
Hey B&B,
Welcome to www.dogswithblogs.com.au - it is great to meet you and I am sure you will make lots of new friends here :-)
I need one of those futon thingies for my apes. I can jump like nobody's business but I'm old and it's the getting down part that bothers me. Or, if they were polite, they'd just sleep on the floor!
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