I cannot believe I have waited so long to show everyone my new best friend!
This is Elwood, but we call him Woody. As of today, he's about nine months old, but this picture was taken a few months back.
He's a nervous little guy, and has huuuuuge ears! He's all Corgi for sure.
Your friend,
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As a DogTime Blog Star many more pet enthusiasts will see and read your blog and provide you with the opportunity to share your love of animals. Once the network is up and running (in the next week) there will also be an opportunity to qualify to make advertising revenue.
Participation is simple, as we will use your existing RSS feed to feature your blog and posts. If you would like to participate simply reply to this email with the URL of your RSS feed.
For more details about the benefits of participating in the DogTime Blog Network please refer to our FAQs here: http://dogtime.com/dogtime-blog-network-faq.html.
Thanks, and we hope you Find Your Wag!
I'd like to invite you to submit your Corgis for a feature on my new blog thedailycorgi.blogspot.com
This is a not-for-profit, simply fun blog for us Corgi lovers.
Visit the site and see if this is for you, and contact me at thedailycorgi.gmail.com if you'd like to participate!
Corgis Semper Fi!
Laurie Eno
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